Friday, December 12, 2008
December AR Meeting
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bargaining Cluster Meeting

Tracy represented SCEA at the Bargaining Cluster IV Meeting. Many items were discussed. The teams from local associations in Uniserv District 12 were present. They looked at differentiated pay plans and were updated with the current state approved plans. The teams looked at collective bargaining and interest based bargaining. Interest based bargaining (IBB) is new to our area and we discussed the different approaches of IBB.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
AR and Bargaining Meeting
Fall UAC Meeting
In early fall, Dekalb, Macon, Jackson, and Smith County Education associations met at the Cornerstone Cafe in Gordonsville. They were joined by several TEA staff members, with Duran Williams hosting. We received updates on local legislation, member benefits, and membership updates.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Education Votes!
It's almost time for the next round of elections - also known as a day off for us! Last month, SCEA hosted a meet the candidate for House District 40. We invited Macon (pictured above) and Dekalb County Education Associations to join us. We met with Terry Lynn Weaver and Cleveland Bain. Both candidates had good things to say about education.
State Board of Education
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Congratulations Becky Hackett
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Information from NEA Newsletter
SETTING UP YOUR NEW CLASSROOM Your classroom is your home-away-from-home 5 days a week -- for you and your students -- so make it a fun, productive learning space. Get started with tips for assessing your space, arranging the room by function or activity, and decorating with a theme.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: WHEN THE SHIP SAILS ADRIFT Already feel like your classroom's sailing between Scylla and Charybdis? Your colleagues offer advice to get back on course.
TEAM TEACHING: TWO COOKS IN THE KITCHEN These days, you might be sharing your classroom with another teacher. Can you work effectively together -- without spoiling everything? Find out what teachers are doing to make it work.
DRESS TO IMPRESS For an aspiring educator, knowing curriculum and classroom management aren't the only things that make you a teacher. You've gotta look the part to be at the head of the class.
RETIRED EDUCATORS LOVE TECHNOLOGY When someone says "techie" you're likely to imagine a pimply-faced teenager or twenty-something hunched over a keyboard surviving on a diet of chips and soda pop, but these members are making the most of their 21st-century retirement.
Lesson Ideas
Classroom Management
Do the Right Thing
The Teaching Experience
Dropout Prevention
Professional Development
Grants & Resources
Check out these articles and many more resources for educators at!
Friday, August 15, 2008
AR Training
Thursday, August 14, 2008
COAT Training
Friday, August 1, 2008
Three District Membership Meeting
Denise and Tracy represented SCEA and joined 25 other association reps at the July Tri-District Membership meeting. Uniserv Districts Seven, Nine and Twelve met at Fairfield Glade's new convention center to discuss new membership opportunities and benefits.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Delegates gathered gather July 1 through July 6 at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC for the Association's 146th Annual Meeting and 87th Representative Assembly.
Tracy was among 280 Tennessee delegates. She served as state delegate. Each morning the Tennessee delegation met at their Bethesda, MD from 7 to 9 for their daily caucus. They discussed 83 new business items, 15 new legislative items and numerous resolutions as part of the RA business.
Delegates heard from the Friend of Education award winner Barbara Morgan, NASA's first teacher in space. The assembly also welcome the 2008 Teacher of the Year Michael Geisen and the 2008 ESP of the Year Laura Vernon. Each speaker was very inspiring and made you proud to be a member of the education profession.
This was President Reg Weaver's last Representative Assembly and the delegates elected Dennis Van Roekel as the new President and Lily Eskelsen as Vice President of the NEA. Tennessee's delegation heard from these candidates as well as those running for Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Committee and ESP at Large during the morning caucuses. Candidate elections were exciting and Tracy was the state contact for Donna De Kraai's campaign for Executive Committee.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Summer Happenings
The Smith County Education Association (SCEA) sponsored a School Board Candidate Forum on July 8, 2008 at the Smith County Chamber of Commerce Building. All candidates were invited to attend. Candidates were: Karen Shoulders, District 1 (opposition not present); Dick Fulton and Chris McCall, District 2; Sonja Hammonds, District 7 (current board member not present) and Tommy Manning (running unopposed) from District 5. Each candidate made an opening and closing statement.
Questions that had been submitted by members of SCEA were presented to the candidates concerning: open meetings, rotating Board of Education (BOE) meetings to different schools, their favorite teacher and subject, evaluations of the Director of Schools, his job extensions and taking applications for the position, changing board policies and opening board policy up to the public or posting it on line. Mr. Manning expressed surprise that the board policy was not on line since the BOE had paid the Tenn. School Board Association to do so a couple of years ago. Several candidates also expressed new ideas to add to the effectiveness of the Smith County Board of Education. All the candidates present spoke positively about the schools, students and teachers of Smith County.
The Smith County Education Association hopes to continue forums in the future to help promote awareness of education in Smith County .